Despite all its perks, dating a bodybuilder definitely has its downs as well.
10 Reasons not to date a bodybuilder
1. They are very into themselves.
2. You can't get away with any snacks without them snatching it and reading off the health facts, number of calories...etc.
3. Because of their strength they have problems being gentle. A play push could send you flying across the room.
4. They take more 'selfies' and spend more time in the mirror than you do.
5. Their protein or "gains" is their most prized possession.
6. Like women, they dress to impress. This usually consists of tank tops and cut offs all day, every day.
7. Everywhere you go, all eyes are on him -always. If you have a jealous personality, this relationship will not work for you.
8. Every day is gym day. I know, I put this in my "Top 10 Reasons to date a bodybuilder", but sometimes this can be a real hassle.
9. They're very critical about the food you put in your mouth -unless it's their cheat day then they turn into a huge hypocrite.
10. They can be moody and emotional often due to their supplement intake.
Bodybuilder from
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